IEEE PESCE Student Branch
Branch counsellor: Dr K A Radhakrishna Rao
Branch mentor: Dr V Sridhar
Year of Establishment: July 2007
Current SB Chair: Rajiv M N
Membership Count: 150
“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow”- Dr. Edward Teller. IEEE helped us to see these tomorrows, IEEE Bangalore Section has helped us to see these wonderful tomorrows. As these days pass by, here we are at the door step of 40th year celebration of IEEE Bangalore Section. We, IEEE Student Branch of P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya are proud to say that, our Student branch founded in 2007 and have been a part of IEEE Bangalore section from the past 10 years. As we look back at the roads of these years, we see a soulful journey of IEEE PESCE with the section. Dr. K A Radhakrishna Rao as Student branch counsellor and Dr. V Sridhar as the branch mentor, guiding the student branch of an average membership of 160 in every step we take. The WIE chapters of IEEE PESCE being guided by Dr. M C Padma. We deeply cherish and thank the support and knowledge being passed on to us by them.
Activities of IEEE PESCE:
IEEE PESCE conducts its annual fest “CRESCO” every year which is featured with the release of our technical magazine “AURIFERA”. It also hosts the national level technical paper presentation contest “PATRIKA” . There are 10 more events contributing to CRESCO which makes it a huge event. On an average IEEE PESCE conducts 30 events a year. the flagship events being, major workshop, one mini fest(AUCTUS), one major fest(CRESCO), Women’s day, IEEE day. Weekly meets are half day event where all the student members of the student branch meet and share the technical knowledge they have acquired on a subject. This is the platform provided by the IEEE PESCE for its student members to develop their technical knowledge, networking skills and it is also an idea generation forum. In addition to this, IEEE PESCE has taken a project known as “jnaana vikasana initiative” with a view that future of the nation is built on how children are moulded today. Every volunteer visit an institution called vikasana which aids the children rescued from child labour and guide them on their studies, academics and effective personality development. This helps the student members to develop their networking skills by contributing to the society.
Future plans:
IEEE PESCE has had effective EXECOM team to accomplish its plans successfully in the past. The present EXECOM team being led by Rajiv M N, aspires to accomplish much more on our way. Few of the plans being, starting HAM club in the SB, IEEE alumini association, pushing the average number of activities to 50, winning global awards and expanding the Student Branch by reaching out to every nook and corner by making them aware of the benefits of being an IEEE member.
IEEE PESCE has significantly achieved its rank over the years. Some of the achievements accomplished by us are:
1. Best Student branch award in the year 2012.
2. Best Student branch counsellor in the year 2013.
3. Best student branch website in the year 2014.
4. Best student branch counsellor in the year 2015.
5. Best student volunteer in the year 2016.
We thank IEEE Bangalore Section for providing these opportunities to us. With the support and guidance of these two seasoned veterans at our back, IEEE PESCE is sure to see many more bright years ahead.