He is a technocrat with diversified experience in software verification and development of safety critical embedded systems. He is currently working with Alstom Bangalore, India prior to this he had worked with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, EATON Technologies and UTC Aerospace Systems. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering and Master’s degree in Instrumentation & Control Systems from JNTU Hyderabad. He had graduated from the IEEE (Volunteer Leadership Training) VOLT in the year 2015. He is a member of IEEE since 2004 and Senior Member of IEEE since 2013. He is an active volunteer of IEEE Bangalore section since 2014 and served membership development committee and AESS Bangalore Chapter. Currently he is the Membership Development Chair for IEEE Bangalore Section. As a Membership Development Committee member; he was instrumental in getting more than 100 Senior Member Elevations and conducting membership development drives at various events. As a chairman AESS Bangalore Section conducted technical events for the AESS community.
IEEE Positions Held:
Membership Development Chair 2017, IEEE Bangalore Section
Membership Development Vice-Chair 2015-2016, IEEE Bangalore Section
Founding Chair, IEEE Aerospace Electronic System Society Bangalore Chapter,2014-15
Treasurer, IEEE Aerospace Electronic System Society Bangalore Chapter,2016
Chairman, Aerospace Systems Integration Engineering Panel, IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society, 2016-17
Vice-Chairman, Aerospace Systems Integration Engineering Panel, IEEE Aerospace Electronic Systems Society, 2014-15