IEEE HIT Student Branch established in our college during the year 2005 and was an active student Branch. But due to some unavoidable reasons it was not active for some years. Later, As per the guidelines of the esteemed management and Principal of the Institute, the rejuvenation process started in HIT , by the concerned faculty Prof. S S Kamate, ECE Dept. and Prof. M P Yanagimath, EEE Dept. during the year 2014. The membership process started with the conduction of IEEE awareness program by IEEE GIT, team. We started the branch with 34(2 professional and 32 student) IEEE members for the year 2015. The formal rejuvenation happened on 17th April, 2015, with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries, Mr. Ravikiran Annaswamy the chairman, IEEE Bangalore section, Dr. S. H. Jangamshetti, subsection coordinator, Bangalore section and Mr. Mallikarjun joint secretary, IEEE Bangalore section. Since then, with the support of management and institutional head, IEEE HIT Student Branch doing well and it is also one of the active Student Branch in North Karnataka region, Bangalore section.
The aim of IEEE student branch is, to provide a global platform to inspire, develop, encourage and support our students as the future leaders of engineering profession. IEEE HIT SB is organizing various technical and social events to foster the technical innovation and for the benefit of mankind.
Our student Branch is conducts many the technical nontechnical/ humanitarian events. It has 3 Professional members Prof. S S Kamate, Branch Counselor, Prof.  M P Yanagimath, staff advisor and Prof. M. G. Huddar. Staff coordinator. Miss. Ashwini R. Patil of 6th semester Electronics and communication Branch is student chair.
Achievements : 

  1. The branch is active and conducted many the technical, nontechnical and humanitarian events.
  2. Submission of the reports in time
  3. Got the section support grants of Rs. 20,040/- and 15,620/- for the years 2016 and 2015 respectively.

Plan :

  1. To come up with more technical/ nontechnical quality events.
  2. To increase the IEEE member count.
  3. To reduce the gap between industry and curriculum by organizing industrial visits, seminars, workshops.

Rejuvenation on 17th  April, 2015

Humanitarian Activity on 07th November, 2016